Struck by lightning
A tree of light, a tree of spark.
Light, then sound, paints the dark.
A beautiful work of natures touch.
the power to grasp, a bit too much.
The other side of this beauty's burst
lightning's force stabs at the earth
can stop a life or start fires anew
as rain surrounds the horizon's view.
But writers can have a similar spark
a lightning thought light's up their dark
the words appear with a muses touch
the literary challenge, a bit too much.
The other side of this writers lament
the struggle for words to help cement
the meaning behind the story to tell
sometimes lost in the brain from hell.
/Michael Charles Messineo
Light, then sound, paints the dark.
A beautiful work of natures touch.
the power to grasp, a bit too much.
The other side of this beauty's burst
lightning's force stabs at the earth
can stop a life or start fires anew
as rain surrounds the horizon's view.
But writers can have a similar spark
a lightning thought light's up their dark
the words appear with a muses touch
the literary challenge, a bit too much.
The other side of this writers lament
the struggle for words to help cement
the meaning behind the story to tell
sometimes lost in the brain from hell.
/Michael Charles Messineo
fia säger:
få folk att öppna ögonen för en radikal förändring mot mobbing! läs min blogg! :)
garbomannenarbast säger:
Välkommen till denna nya blogg vars handling kommer cirkulera kring och om bloggaren Garbomannen.
Nathalie säger:
Här får du en varmkram i vinterkylan <3