Hey there..

Friends, or atleast the people who might read this. We've all been "separated" through a variety of events lately. Mostly due to geographic differences ^^' Even if not, everything has changed. Everyone has changed. I still love every single one of you, whom been that close to my heart, and you are not few. Yet, in a time where I have more friends than I've ever had before, I feel lonely and forgotten.

I've been thinking about my life up until now, and as a summary:

I realised that there is nothing in this world that is set in stone, nothing that I've been through has ever been predetermined or even been a result of someone's planning. Everything that is me is just a drop in the sea.. A drop that melts into the oceans.. connected throughout the world.. with an equal chance of being washed up on the coast of Africa as to being carried with a cloud to a pond in Beijing.

This world is also (by far) the most wretched piece of rock floating through space, but it's the only thing we've got.
It's the only thing I've got.


I've had some really painful moments in my life, but I still concider myself lucky in general. I mean, with the chance of loosing so much, I've barely succeeded in loosing anything. Though.. I miss my friends.. I miss my lost friends.

And one thing that I haven't lost, but rather misplaced.... is.. love.
And I miss love.

Love /The Mess


Hiya folks!
Since I've got quite a few "you have a blog?" comments from some people lately, and in majority my british friends, I'm going to write this blog in english as much as I can ;) Personally this isn't a problem since I can convey my thoughts better in english anyway ^^

Wednesday went smooth and it was great playing videogames with my classmates for 7 hours :D Mario Cart: Double Dash, Soul Calibur, GoldenEye, Halo and Fifa 10 ^^ 'twas awesome!

Thursday.. we gathered a group from our class and sat down at a café in town for some planning (details are secret ;P)

Yesterday was spent mostly with the regular gang from school.. talking about everything and nothing ^^' which was fun. Later my dad came by and we ate dinner at some place in town. It was fun to see him and I seldom say no to free yummy food anyway :D

The late evenin' was spent with Oscar and some of his friends, as we played a board game called "Caylus"
It was really interesting and fun even though I came last in the finishing round ;)

Haven't got much to say about today =) it went by too fast as saturdays usually do.. and now I'm sitting here wondering if I should try to study.... naah.. I'll go buy some vitamins first :)

and once again a "Video of the Day" ^^

Cya around folks, <3

Every day is a new life :)

Jag måste säga att jag idag har mått bättre än jag har gjort på flera veckor. Vet dock inte vad det är som gör det men jag har bara mått skitbra. ^^ Kanske fick utlopp för nånting, och framtiden bjuder på bättre tider ;)

Träningen gick i princip åt skogen, jag mådde illa och slog mig hit och dit samtidigt som mina muskler höll på att dö, men jag mådde ändå bra =) och jag kan faktiskt ta till mig Umeågruppen med samma nära vänskap om inte ännu närmare än jag hade med Luleågruppen. Fast jag tycker ändå att alla Capoeristas är helt underbara. Om nån av er skulle hitta hit så ska ni bara veta hur mycket ni betyder :)

Det flyter i blodet nu, och jag kommer aldrig sluta med denna underbara Abada Capoeira!

Efter träningen så cyklade jag till KK (Krogen krogen) för Tisdays, Comedy Night. När jag kom fram var flera av mina klasskamrater där, och det tillkom fler efter en stund. Stå-upp komikerna var varierande men alla som jag såg var roliga i alla fall =) Tog en öl, umgicks, skrattade, pratade om att starta en jamgrupp och levde för en gångs skull lite friare ^^

För övrigt så fick jag en knäpp idag när jag letade musik och fick fram en ganska osannolik låt, med tanke på att jag inte direkt gillar bandets vanliga musikstil. Men den fick mig verkligen att dra upp mig själv ur den grop jag lyckats gräva in mig i. Dagens låt med andra ord =)

Och ursäkta men whooh! Fergie ;D

Vi har en morgondag också!
Imorgon blir det Film och föreläsning tidigt på morgonen, sedan lite mer katalogiserande (som jag spenderade några timmar på idag) av filmer, spel och böcker. Sist av allt så kommer dagen att avslutas med en spelfest hemma hos Fidde :D Öl, Goldeneye, Dead or Alive och brädspel i Turneringsform med 15 pers, kan det bli bättre?

Det blir nog en stunds oklart läsande i Den Interagerande människan nu. och sen några timmars sömn. Ha det gott folk, gonatt ;)

<3 /Mess

Fyyy fasen :P

Tror aldrig jag har sett ett snyggare spel :D

Left in pieces

And so, I tried being perfect, finding it wasn't really worth it. I don't believe it makes me real. Thinking it would be easy, nobody ever believing me. Well, I meant all the things I said.

If you believe it's withing my soul, I'll say all the words that I know, just to see if it would show.
I'm trying to let you know, I'm probably better off on my own.

This place is empty, my thoughts are tempting, and I don't know how it got this bad.
Sometimes, it's so crazy, that I believe nothing could save me, but it's the only thing I have.

Again, if you believe it's withing my soul, I'll say all the words that I know, just to see if it would show.
I'm trying to let you know, I'm probably better off on my own.

And so, I tried being perfect, but it just wasn't worth it. Nothing could ever be this wrong. It's hard to believe me, it never gets easy. Heh, I guess I knew that all along.

One last time, if you believe it's in my soul, I'll say all the words that I know, just to see if it would show. I'm trying to let you know, that I'm much better off on my own.

I kontrast till texten så mår jag faktiskt riktigt bra ;) känns som att jag har ett eget liv, oberoende på ett sätt, vilket känns som att det kom sent.

En annan viktig sak att nämna är att prioritering i sig har blivit första prio.. man kan inte leva fritt utan struktur. Man kan inte heller leva ett liv utan andra, vilket inte riktigt har funnits på ett bra tag. Ensamhet har varit ett tema som lett min väg under en tid, och det är ju fortfarande så, men jag har börjat acceptera det. Det finns ett större liv i vänskap.

Här följer en låt som bättre passar mitt humör bättre ;D