Underoath on tour

<3 Underoath

Såg det här live-uppträdandet på youtube alldeles nyss.. och det är fasen bättre än den inspelade O_o <3<3<3

A life inside a mask

There is great beauty in life, even though life itself has great foulness, sorrow and grief, rooted in society and confined to our souls.

Countless times I have contemplated the raw facts in order to find traces of reason, signs of meaning, consequences that actually have a beginning which I could have influenced. Many of these times, I reach a realisation that facts seldom keep the answers needed, or rather, wanted.

As I recently got reminded by my father, I'm not as theoretical as I am creative.

If applied to my general emotions and my social life, there might be some consequences from these facts that, in turn, might explain the meaning of my own life and it's bits and pieces.

I slowly start to realise that, when I take part in events, might it be relationships, arguments.. intrigues.. I don't contemplate on the actual happenings.. or even the things that happen as I think of it.

In the end.. I create my own meaning to fit the pieces together as to not loose my mind. I generate discussions, feelings as well as reason.

This is why I felt bad today. Some people just.. can't be in my life un-noticed.. and I can't just leave it at that. I can't live my life inside a mask.. and I can't look at that mask in the mirror without revealing my true self.

In the same day, I loved the summer and hated it.

I wonder how the rest will unfold..

On a slightly unrelated note:
My dearest of friends has some things to deal with, as people do sometimes.
For the sake of yourself, it might be worth a fight, not to satisfy someones expectations, but your own happiness.
Happiness which you deserve more than anyone I know.

Just don't repeat my mistake of staying untrue to myself.

Good Night all, I hope you give this a go. My earlier writings wasn't exactly.. how to put it.. 'appropriate'.
Ciao Bella

A new day, a new dawn.. and a whole lot of time to catch up

Ja, som sagt så är det en ny dag idag.. och jag har bara sovit några få timmar.. så jag är inte världens piggaste människa..

På schemat står idag:

* Städa Korridoren
* Läsa kapitel 2-3 i Gender Inclusive Game Design
* Titta igenom Imagine FX tidningen som jag köpte förra veckan
* Städa mitt eget Rum
* Göra klart en av kompletterings-uppgifterna till LärUnd
* Läsa in mig på de viktiga kapitlen i böckerna från LärUnd
* Titta på undervisnings-filmerna för Ledarskap
* Grilla och checka film med Capo-gänget på Ersboda :)

Sen blir det Final Fantasy!


Always there

I know what I have to do now.. I have to keep breathing.
Because tomorrow the sun will rise again.. and who knows what the tide might bring in.

I don't.. and neither do you..


Oh the afterburner

Än en gång så är man tillbaka efter en kortvarig krogrunda.. börjar mer och mer inse att jag inte gillar krogen.. eftersom folk är så falska..

Jag menar.. hur ska man kunna träffa någon som är trevlig, vettig och intressant när allt handlar om sex?

Så jäkla dumt..

Det blir en sommar med musik och själv-förverkligande.. istället för dumma ideal och förväntad desperation..

gonatt folket <3


Whenever I step outside, somebody claims to see the light.
It seems to me that all of us have lost our patience.
'Cause everyone thinks they're right, and nobody thinks that there just might
be more than one way to our final destination.

But I'm not ever gonna know if I'm right or wrong
'cause we're all going in the same direction.
And I'm not sure which way to go because all along
we've been going in the same direction.

I'm tired of playing games, of looking for someone else to blame
for all the holes in answers that are clearly showing,
for something to fill the space. Was all of the time I spent a waste,
'Cause so many choices point the same way I was going

But I'm not ever gonna know if I'm right or wrong
'cause we're all going in the same direction.
And I'm not sure which way to go because all along
we've been going in the same direction.

Going in the same direction--

Same direction-- (Same direction)

So why does there only have to be one correct philosophy?
I don't want to go and follow you just to end up like one of them.
And why are you always telling me what you want me to believe?
I'd like to think that I can go my own way and meet you in the end.
Go my own way and meet you in the end.

I'm not ever gonna know... if I'm right or wrong
'cause we're all going in the same direction.
And I'm not sure which way to go because all along
we've been going in the same direction

Going in the same direction

Going in the same direction--

Same direction-- (Same direction)